
[Free Courses] CSS : CSS Awesomeness

[Free Courses] CSS : CSS Awesomeness

Price: Free

Hey there!


My name is Gilad, and welcome to this course

Im a web developer for serveral years now, and I will teach you the very basics of CSS.

If you are just a beginner, or you used to know CSS.. but.. You know.. Time has gone by..

This course is for you.

We will learn all the building blocks and All the stuff you need to know to get started in CSS.

We will learn:

  • CSS Selectors
  • CSS Width and Height
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Margins
  • CSS Paddings
  • CSS Floats
  • and many many more CSS stuff.. 

And we will do it together, in just less than an hour.

Its your opportunity, to learn CSS the easy way.

Press the button , I will see you in the other side.


Hey there! Welcome! My name is Gilad, and welcome to this course Im a web developer for serveral years now, and I will teach you the very basics of CSS. If you are just a beginner, or you used to know CSS.. but.. You know.. Time has gone by.. This course is for you. We will learn all the building…

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