
[Free Courses] Learn MongoDB in 2 hours

[Free Courses] Learn MongoDB in 2 hours

Price: Free

MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL document oriented database written in C++.

This tutorial will help you get started quickly to use MongoDB with lots of hands-on exercises. This tutorial is intended for students and new developers who are eager to learn MongoDB Database in easy and fastest possible manner.

This tutorial will provide you MongoDB concepts which will help you to get started with MongoDB quickly. It will starts with Mongo Introduction and then we will use MongoDB Atlas (Free cloud cluster provided by MongoDB) to setup our environment. We will continue our course by deep diving into various CRUD operations such as inserting, reading, applying filter, updating, deleting and using projections. Then we will work with various relevant operators that can be used with MongoDB on day to day basis. Then we will do a lots of hands on exercise to work with complex data types such as Array i.e performing CRUD with complex types along with projections.

I am just bootstrapping this course but next coming days , this course will get updated with more advance topics such as Working with Indexes, using Aggregation Framework, moving from shell to drivers and start using MongoDB GUI

So let’s get started with this exciting course!!!!!

MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL document oriented database written in C++.This tutorial will help you get started quickly to use MongoDB with lots of hands-on exercises. This tutorial is intended for students and new developers who are eager to learn MongoDB Database in easy and fastest possible manner.This tutorial will provide you…

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